Yue Chen

Columbia Business School | Henry R. Kravis Hall | 655 W 130th St | New York, NY 10027


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I am a 5th-year Accounting Ph.D. student at Columbia Business School, and I will be on the 2023-2024 academic job market.

My research interests lie broadly in the interplay between financial information and non-financial factors, such as business models, human capital, and innovation. In my dissertation, I investigate the impact of the subscription business model on firms' revenue recognition, earnings management incentives, and valuation. In other work, I examine implications of the revenue recognition standard for firms’ disclosure and innovation, as well as how firms’ ESG practices affect the decision making of different stakeholders. Overall, I strive to conduct empirical research that is grounded in theory and delivers practical implications for various stakeholders, including regulators, investors, and other market participants.

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